Pastor's Perspective: No Longer I

Dear Church Family,

This Sunday will be a very special baptism Sunday! We have a growing number of people who have surrendered their lives to Jesus and desire complete obedience to His Word. The testimonies and stories of grace will build your faith in Jesus Christ.

We plan to look at one verse for our sermon text, Galatians 2:20

"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me."

"No longer I", this is an amazing statement that I hope to unpack before we begin baptizing. If you plan to be baptized, prepare your heart for a fresh work of God, a filling of the Holy Spirit. Just bring a dry set of clothes, we will have robes and towels. We also have T-shirts available in advance, pick one up anytime.


The early prayer time (9:00-9:45) each Sunday morning has been overflowing. Since we have once again outgrown our gathering place, beginning this Sunday we will offer 2 gathering groups, one in the prayer room and one in the Overflowing Cup youth room. Come early to pray over all that God wants to do!

The men's retreat is 2 weeks away, but the signup deadline is THIS SUNDAY! Registrations are pouring in, don't miss out.

Also guys, fill out the questionnaire that will start some retreat discussions!
Our women's ministry is expanding as well. The Tuesday morning GLOW gatherings have been fantastic. Beginning Tuesday, April 1st, along with the morning gathering, we will now be offering an evening ladies "AfterGLOW". This will be a repeat of the morning study, but with no meal (coffee & tea will be offered) and no childcare (hint, hint dads).

This month we also are offering a morning Home Fellowship led by Wes Labrier. This brunch will meet on the 2nd Thursday morning of each month, starting March 13, 10:00-12:00. Contact the church office or Wes if you want to join.

Pray, pray, pray for our gathering on Sunday!

See you soon,
Pastor Marv






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