Pastor's Perspective: Corrupting the Good

Good morning Calvary Chapel,
Sherri & I were grateful for the opportunity to step away from our responsibilities and do some traveling. Lydia and Isaiah joined us for a trip to Gatlinburg, TN, then Sherri & I visited Wilson & Whitney and the grandchildren in NC, then on to PA to spend time with Sherri’s family. It brought great joy and satisfaction to see other’s step up to serve in our place. I am truly thankful to be a part of this church family, and especially grateful for the unity among our leadership team. May our love for one another continue to be rooted in the grace we have received from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Humanly speaking, we are weak, cracked vessels who have been given a great treasure, the gift of the Holy Spirit. May we walk in joyful surrender, with the power of God, to fulfill the purpose and the plan that the Lord has for us personally and as a church body, and let’s do it together!

Summer is officially here! Each season brings about changes that keep things new and fresh. The birds absolutely love to show off their many talents, the deer are fawning, and the flowers are blooming. May we embrace the changes of life, and endure the challenges that come with each season as well, both physically and spiritually. As a church, one of our wonderful Summer ministries is VBS, the great Jungle Journey is about to begin! Thanks to so many who are serving as we pour love and solid Bible teaching into 70+ kids for 5 evenings, beginning on Tuesday evening.

After wrapping up a week of VBS, we will take some time to celebrate the birth of our country, and to pray for revival in our land. On Friday evening, July 5th we will share an evening of music and talent in the Overflowing Cup. This “Overflowing Freedom” night will involve several readings from the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. Sign up in the foyer or on our app if you would like to sing a song!

On Sunday we will continue our study of the book of Acts. In chapter 5 we will see the early church enter another stage of growth, but we may be surprised by what events God uses to accomplish revival. Come with ears ready to hear, and a heart willing to yield to a sober reminder of God’s desire for purity in our worship and giving. Satan tried to corrupt a good thing through hypocrisy, but God chose to uncover the plot. As we will see in this story, fear can be a good thing; it is the beginning of wisdom.
See you on Sunday!
Pastor Marv

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