Leader's Perspective
Leadership Team Perspective
This coming Sunday we celebrate Fathers’ Day when we take a moment to thank our earthly fathers for their devotion to their families. We should also give thanks daily to our Heavenly Father for his unending mercy and grace.
As we are about to finish the first half of our calendar year at CCF, it is a good time to look back on our discussions on Vision Sunday. My part of that discussion was on being led by the Spirit in the giving of our “time, talents and treasurer.”
We are blessed at CCF with the large number of volunteers for our various ministries. From the Clean Team, to Children’s and Youth Ministry teachers and volunteers, to our Nursery Team, to our outstanding VBS Team, to our Hospitality Team and our weekly volunteers in the Overflowing Cup, just to name some of the many areas where you make it happen. We depend on folks to be generous with their individual “time and talents.” God has a place for you to serve and share in the blessing of giving of your “time and talents”.
A good example of the generous use of his “time and talents” is Wes Labrier. Wes will bring our message this Sunday continuing in Acts Chapter 4 starting at verse 23. Wes & Sue are very active members of our congregation and serve in various roles. Most Sundays, Wes can be found in the Children’s Ministry doing whatever needs to be done from teaching to watching the playground. Wes & Sue served as pastors for twenty-three years in Union Center, South Dakota prior to moving to Prospect to be near their grandchildren (thanks to Joel & Ashley Fisher![<block type=]()
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This coming Sunday we celebrate Fathers’ Day when we take a moment to thank our earthly fathers for their devotion to their families. We should also give thanks daily to our Heavenly Father for his unending mercy and grace.
As we are about to finish the first half of our calendar year at CCF, it is a good time to look back on our discussions on Vision Sunday. My part of that discussion was on being led by the Spirit in the giving of our “time, talents and treasurer.”
We are blessed at CCF with the large number of volunteers for our various ministries. From the Clean Team, to Children’s and Youth Ministry teachers and volunteers, to our Nursery Team, to our outstanding VBS Team, to our Hospitality Team and our weekly volunteers in the Overflowing Cup, just to name some of the many areas where you make it happen. We depend on folks to be generous with their individual “time and talents.” God has a place for you to serve and share in the blessing of giving of your “time and talents”.
A good example of the generous use of his “time and talents” is Wes Labrier. Wes will bring our message this Sunday continuing in Acts Chapter 4 starting at verse 23. Wes & Sue are very active members of our congregation and serve in various roles. Most Sundays, Wes can be found in the Children’s Ministry doing whatever needs to be done from teaching to watching the playground. Wes & Sue served as pastors for twenty-three years in Union Center, South Dakota prior to moving to Prospect to be near their grandchildren (thanks to Joel & Ashley Fisher