Pastor’s Perspective: Death Suspended

Good morning, Calvary Chapel!
In our Acts study this Sunday we will observe the very first sermon after the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The church was born of the Spirit, and now is called to depend on the Holy Spirit to be the witness of Christ. Part of being this witness to the world is preaching the gospel and establishing the church. The Apostle Peter preached the first sermon, and a harvest of souls were saved by the power of the Word sounding fourth. All of this happened under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
I have observed churches who emphasize the preaching of the Word but void of dependence and trust on the Holy Spirit, this brings about legalism. I have witnessed churches desiring the experience of Holy Spirit, but lacking the solid teaching of the Word, resulting in charismania, emotionalism without roots. May this journey through the book of Acts teach us the value of seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit without neglecting the faithful study and preaching of the Holy Word of God. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.
This Sunday is Mother’s Day. The role of the mother in our culture is under attack. The world is really trying to disassemble the valuable role of women in the home. Titus 2:3-5 is one of the scriptures that speak of the value of mothers, and how her obedience blesses the whole family, honors God and honors His Word. The rains of revival are here, may they continue to water this thirsty world, and bring back to life home and the sleeping church!
Believers’ baptism is coming up next Sunday, May 19th. If you have not been baptized as a believer, or desire to be re-baptized for other reasons, this is your day. Come dressed in modest clothing and bring a dry set to change into. It should be the desire for every believer in Jesus to surrender fully to Him as Savior and Lord. This involves death to self, and resurrection to new life in Christ. This is beautifully illustrated through public baptism. Weather permitting, we plan to have this service outside on the front lawn of the church.
See you on Sunday!
Pastor Marv

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