Pastor's Perspective: Surprises in Ministry

Dear Calvary Family,
On Sunday, in Acts 16, we travel with Paul as he begins his second missionary journey. Paul & Silas set out with a plan to return to the churches that were established 5 years prior. Along the way, they added two assistant's, Timothy and Luke. The biggest surprise in this 2,700 mile journey by land and sea, may have been the closed doors of ministry. In the first missionary journey, the Holy Spirit opened doors wherever Paul went, and filled the evangelist with power to speak boldly. This must be how the Spirit always works, right?

Changes and surprises can throw a wrench into our plans, why did my tire go flat on the way to that important meeting? Why the miscarriage, the missed flight, or the failure of acceptance to the better suited college? Two times in Acts 16 the Holy Spirit hinders ministry from happening, evangelistic ministry at that! How can that be a good thing when the Asia Minor churches wanted to see Paul and be encouraged in the faith? Can it be possible that God would hinder the opportunity for Paul to preach? Could it be possible that this job transfer could help your marriage? The next surprise may open the door to the sweetest season of life yet!

One of the greatest lessons in this study is simply to trust God more, and less in our own plans. May our closed doors and missed opportunities be examined carefully before shaking our fist at God with false accusations.

This Sunday will be extra special as we fill the baptism tub once again. Have you been baptized as a believer? The path of the believer is not an easy path, but the rewards are out of this world!

See you on Sunday
Pastor Marv

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