Pastor’s Perspective: A Sacrificed Life

Dear Calvary Family,
God is always working among His church. God uses surprising events to blow the winds of revival, then God invites and calls us to be a part of revival. As we will find out in Acts 7 this Sunday, revival comes on the heels of sacrifice, sometimes even the cost of our life. Stephen only got to preach one recorded sermon, then he became the first martyr of the early church. However, there was a young man named Saul, who witnessed Stephen’s stoning, and heard the sermon. It will be obvious in Saul’s future preaching after conversion, that Stephen left a lasting impression upon his life. The very important events of chapter 7 opened the flood gates of revival to the gentiles. Once again, boldness, hardship and sacrifice were the prerequisites for revival.
Are you missing out? Throughout Acts 7, Stephen gives examples of where the Jews, in their history, had missed their deliverer. Moses was at first rejected and had to flee to the wilderness for 40 years before delivering Israel from the bondage of Egypt, Josheph was rejected by his brothers before he became the savior of the known world in his service to Pharoh. These were types or pictures of Christ. Stephen makes a point; you are missing Jesus. May we all ask ourselves the question, what am I missing in the work of God among us?
The salvation of souls within our church has continued to grow. We are offering another opportunity to be baptized on Sunday morning, July 21st. Have you been born again? Have you been baptized as a believer in Jesus? If not, this is your opportunity to take this significant step of obedience to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On the welcome table, we have helpful information from the scriptures concerning baptism.
Happy Independence Day! We had a special time on Wednesday evening praying over our country. As the church of the living God, we have a vital role in government. We are commanded to pray, and we are given the opportunity to vote, we should all do both! Some of you may also be called to physically serve our government in some way. Who will be the next Farmville mayor, sheriff, town council member…? Praise God for the day in which we live, and the opportunities we are presented, don’t miss out.
On Sunday I announced a special, last minute, opportunity to go to Northern Israel for a construction mission to restore bunkers around the war zone of Carmel. Several men were ready and willing to go, but only one spot was open. Dakota Blanks has answered the call and his boots on the ground along with 3 others from Calvary Chapel Lynchburg. Please be in prayer for this team as they carry out this 10-day mission!
Summer softball is ready to begin. CCF has 2 teams in the men’s modified fast-pitch church league here in town. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy America’s favorite pastime at the Fireman’s Arena on Friday and Saturday evenings from July 12th – Oct 5th. A schedule will be on the welcome table. Go Young Guns and Warriors!
See you on Sunday!
Pastor Marv

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