Pastor’s Perspective: Continue in the Faith
Dear Calvary family,
The final verse in Acts 13 says, “And the disciples were continually filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit”. This was true even amid hardships, tribulations, and even a stoning. In chapter 14:22, we see an important perspective to faithfulness and stability during difficult days. “…through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God”. Do we understand the value of trials, or the opportunity they present? During Paul’s return travels, through areas where the gospel had been received, he strengthened the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith.
It’s not as important how you start your faith journey; people come to Christ through many different circumstances, but it is absolutely essential that we continue in the faith, that we experience the fullness of joy, and that we continue to shine as a bright light to the next generation. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, and the conviction of things not seen. How can we be so certain of something we cannot see? The word of the Lord changes lives, the gospel includes ongoing, life-changing experiences. No argument in the world can influence mankind like a real, life changing encounter with Jesus, a radically changed life, and the best witness to the world, may be how we endure tribulation and trials.
Continuing firmly in the faith to the end is the greatest legacy we can leave behind. May this weekend provide another opportunity for the roots of endurance to deepen and may the fruit of righteousness continue to bless our church family and beyond! To help prepare for our time of discipleship on Sunday morning, read in advance, Acts 13:44 to 14:28.
Here are a few wonderful participation opportunities for your consideration and prayer:
Heart of VA outreach opportunity, Sat Sept 14
Believers Baptism coming up, Sun AM, Sept 22nd!
Men’s Breakfast on Sat, Sept 28th
Outdoor service on the front lawn, Sun AM, Oct 6th! (weather permitting)
See you on Sunday!
Pastor Marv
The final verse in Acts 13 says, “And the disciples were continually filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit”. This was true even amid hardships, tribulations, and even a stoning. In chapter 14:22, we see an important perspective to faithfulness and stability during difficult days. “…through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God”. Do we understand the value of trials, or the opportunity they present? During Paul’s return travels, through areas where the gospel had been received, he strengthened the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith.
It’s not as important how you start your faith journey; people come to Christ through many different circumstances, but it is absolutely essential that we continue in the faith, that we experience the fullness of joy, and that we continue to shine as a bright light to the next generation. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, and the conviction of things not seen. How can we be so certain of something we cannot see? The word of the Lord changes lives, the gospel includes ongoing, life-changing experiences. No argument in the world can influence mankind like a real, life changing encounter with Jesus, a radically changed life, and the best witness to the world, may be how we endure tribulation and trials.
Continuing firmly in the faith to the end is the greatest legacy we can leave behind. May this weekend provide another opportunity for the roots of endurance to deepen and may the fruit of righteousness continue to bless our church family and beyond! To help prepare for our time of discipleship on Sunday morning, read in advance, Acts 13:44 to 14:28.
Here are a few wonderful participation opportunities for your consideration and prayer:
Heart of VA outreach opportunity, Sat Sept 14
Believers Baptism coming up, Sun AM, Sept 22nd!
Men’s Breakfast on Sat, Sept 28th
Outdoor service on the front lawn, Sun AM, Oct 6th! (weather permitting)
See you on Sunday!
Pastor Marv
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