Pastor’s Perspective: Where are you going?
Dear Calvary Family,
This is my last pastor’s perspective for 2024. At the ending of each year, reflection is important. Do you have vision for 2025? Do you know where you are going? Are you mindlessly following the herd, wherever that may lead you? Spontaneous resolutions rarely have lasting impact, but prayerful planning and vision can be very beneficial. If you are feeling completely overwhelmed today, just making it through till tomorrow may be the most aggressive goal you have, so starting right where you are is where we will start.
You cannot see tomorrow, but looking back tells the direction you are going. Ask God to quiet your heart and mind, gifting you with enough grace and healing to begin this new year with vision, even just a small start. Are you going deeper in debt and never seem to have enough money to pay the bills, save for the next car, or take a vacation? Consider taking the Crown Financial Class starting Jan 13th. If you do not have time for faithful discipleship, for building healthy relationships, or sitting down for a good meal, your priorities need close examination. Begin by prioritizing the most important things according to God’s Word, rather than the demanding voices of our culture. Start with intimate fellowship with Jesus and all other things will find their place.
As a leadership team at CCF in 2025, we would like to lead you according to God’s word, to take more adventures in faith. To some, this may seem contrary to planning and goal setting. Well, we will plan to step out in faith, trust, and obedience. Our goal is to follow God fully as He reveals His desires for us personally, and as a church. Will we go on a new mission trip? Will a new “helping hands” ministry develop this year? Will you meet your future spouse? Will God stir your heart to serve in a new way? Will a child be added to your family? Will you overcome that lingering addiction? To help us grow in this venture in faith, beginning Jan 5th, in our Sunday morning services, we will be studying the book of Joshua. Crossing the Jordon River and taking the promise land was a tremendous venture in faith. May we all grow and abound together in this journey.
Jan 12th will be “Vision Sunday”. This annual service is a very important family gathering. The leadership team will be sharing information that is very helpful in uniting us together for the good work of God among us. Our church family is growing, and we are very excited about what God has been doing, and by His grace, will continue to do in 2025. How will you contribute to this effort?
This coming Sunday, Dec 29th, will be our final study in the book of Acts. In chapter 28, Paul reaches Rome, the place God put on his heart to go to. At Rome, against all odds, and with great faith, the Apostle Paul finishes his significant work on earth, and quietly goes into the sunset. God remains faithful, and Paul will remain useful to God until the end. Paul will write numerous books of the Bible in Rome. His final book recorded is 2 Timothy. What a pillar and support of the truth he was. How does God want to use you in 2025? It’s your turn!
Pastor Marv
This is my last pastor’s perspective for 2024. At the ending of each year, reflection is important. Do you have vision for 2025? Do you know where you are going? Are you mindlessly following the herd, wherever that may lead you? Spontaneous resolutions rarely have lasting impact, but prayerful planning and vision can be very beneficial. If you are feeling completely overwhelmed today, just making it through till tomorrow may be the most aggressive goal you have, so starting right where you are is where we will start.
You cannot see tomorrow, but looking back tells the direction you are going. Ask God to quiet your heart and mind, gifting you with enough grace and healing to begin this new year with vision, even just a small start. Are you going deeper in debt and never seem to have enough money to pay the bills, save for the next car, or take a vacation? Consider taking the Crown Financial Class starting Jan 13th. If you do not have time for faithful discipleship, for building healthy relationships, or sitting down for a good meal, your priorities need close examination. Begin by prioritizing the most important things according to God’s Word, rather than the demanding voices of our culture. Start with intimate fellowship with Jesus and all other things will find their place.
As a leadership team at CCF in 2025, we would like to lead you according to God’s word, to take more adventures in faith. To some, this may seem contrary to planning and goal setting. Well, we will plan to step out in faith, trust, and obedience. Our goal is to follow God fully as He reveals His desires for us personally, and as a church. Will we go on a new mission trip? Will a new “helping hands” ministry develop this year? Will you meet your future spouse? Will God stir your heart to serve in a new way? Will a child be added to your family? Will you overcome that lingering addiction? To help us grow in this venture in faith, beginning Jan 5th, in our Sunday morning services, we will be studying the book of Joshua. Crossing the Jordon River and taking the promise land was a tremendous venture in faith. May we all grow and abound together in this journey.
Jan 12th will be “Vision Sunday”. This annual service is a very important family gathering. The leadership team will be sharing information that is very helpful in uniting us together for the good work of God among us. Our church family is growing, and we are very excited about what God has been doing, and by His grace, will continue to do in 2025. How will you contribute to this effort?
This coming Sunday, Dec 29th, will be our final study in the book of Acts. In chapter 28, Paul reaches Rome, the place God put on his heart to go to. At Rome, against all odds, and with great faith, the Apostle Paul finishes his significant work on earth, and quietly goes into the sunset. God remains faithful, and Paul will remain useful to God until the end. Paul will write numerous books of the Bible in Rome. His final book recorded is 2 Timothy. What a pillar and support of the truth he was. How does God want to use you in 2025? It’s your turn!
Pastor Marv
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