Leader's Perspective

Good day to you all on this special June 1, 2024 – the only one we will ever get. What a picture we had yesterday of spring weather on the last day of May - a gift from Him. I know you are doing a wonderful job taking His Church out to all those in your life this week. What a privilege we have in representing Him everywhere we go. May we all keep the right perspective on every situation we are in - the perspective that we are representing Him.

One of the wonderful things about the Church meeting together is we encourage each other in having a Jesus centered perspective. We are thankful for the Church meeting in the building and in your homes this week. We all praise our Father for these times of Worship, discipleship, and encouragement. Plan to be at the building Sunday morning for Edge Sunday. Our Edge group is a wonderful part of the Church family with adults aged 17 to 30 years old. The group meets on Wednesday night in our building from 6:30 to 8 pm. If you know of a young man or woman not active in a local Church, consider inviting them to join.
The Edge folks will lead our gathering this Sunday – from the prayer room to the pulpit. Look for them in special positions as you arrive on Sunday.  May we be mindful too that our Pastor and Sherri are beginning their vacation. Let us all commit to pray for this time for them to be restful, fulfilling and fun. We are very blessed to have Pastor Marv and Sherri to lead us, and we can count on them coming back to their calling here at CCF refreshed and more equipped to be our shepherds. Happy vacation Pastor Marv and Sherri! 😊

John Clark will continue the teaching this Sunday from Acts in chapter 3 – so study ahead and pray to be ready for his teaching and preaching from God’s Word. John is excited and joyful to bring the message that God has for him to give to you. Pray that your ears and mind will be ready to listen and that conviction to serve our Father better will come in our hearts from Acts Chapter 3 and John’s preaching.

If you have not been able to come to the prayer room on Sunday morning, please make this Sunday your first. Robert Leatherwood will be leading the group at 9 am to pray for the Service and the body. We will have a seat ready for you.

May we all be dependent on the Holy Spirit in our thoughts, actions, and our speech today.

May this dependance cause us to grow in compassion for others and point us into greater service for our Savior - Jesus.

I wish you the best in all you do today and see you for Edge Sunday at CCF.

The Leadership Team, Robert 😊

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