Pastor’s Perspective: God’s Sovereignty and the Presidential Election
Dear Church family,
Within the next 4 days, opportunity to vote in this presidential election will be over. After the tremendous task of tallying the votes, a new president of the United Staes of America will be announced. If you do not think this is significant, you may be in an extended season of slumber. It is the privilege of every qualified citizen of this country to be a part of this selection process. I strongly recommend we search out each candidates’ values, to the best of our ability, then prayerfully cast our vote. Choosing not to vote because we may not prefer either candidate is a weak excuse for a lack of diligence on our part. One will be elected, care enough, and courageous enough, to cast your vote, one way or another.
An argument some believers hold to in governmental elections is, God is sovereign, and His choice will be accomplished with or without my vote, and this could very well be a correct statement. The Bible is full of examples of Gods sovereignty in allowing evil nations to overtake Israel, leading them into bondage and even death. Today, the church in America, like Israel of old, has predominantly fallen asleep spiritually. Will it be revival or bondage? The sovereignty of God is always connected to the will of man, and for the ultimate good of man. I am thankful we serve a God who, in some cases, invites us to participate in His work of selecting world leaders, join the team and participate.
From Gods eternal perspective, the election of our next president looks very different than most of the world sees it. The news channels on both sides of the political divide are full of doom and gloom if the promoted candidate loses this election, that is overstated. Has any revival been orchestrated by a president? Are we now looking to the government for spiritual restoration? Is the arm of the Lord not strong enough to deliver? For the church, revival often comes at the darkest hour of mans oppression. If you are seeking revival, do you desire it at all costs? Would you trade in a great economy for a depressed one, if you believed it would spark revival? The sovereignty of God verses the will of man has been a debate for thousands of years. I believe the scripture tells us to pray, do what is right and good, and leave the results to God. May we cast our vote for a leader who best represents Biblical values of governmental functions and pray for spiritual revival as well. If both cannot exist, revival is of eternal value. However this election turns out, I am excited to be serving a winning God!
Prepare to serve, see you at the polls!
Just a reminder, this Sunday will not be family day, nor will we have a fellowship meal. But both will be happening next Sunday, November 10th, on Serve & Protect Sunday.
Pastor Marv
Within the next 4 days, opportunity to vote in this presidential election will be over. After the tremendous task of tallying the votes, a new president of the United Staes of America will be announced. If you do not think this is significant, you may be in an extended season of slumber. It is the privilege of every qualified citizen of this country to be a part of this selection process. I strongly recommend we search out each candidates’ values, to the best of our ability, then prayerfully cast our vote. Choosing not to vote because we may not prefer either candidate is a weak excuse for a lack of diligence on our part. One will be elected, care enough, and courageous enough, to cast your vote, one way or another.
An argument some believers hold to in governmental elections is, God is sovereign, and His choice will be accomplished with or without my vote, and this could very well be a correct statement. The Bible is full of examples of Gods sovereignty in allowing evil nations to overtake Israel, leading them into bondage and even death. Today, the church in America, like Israel of old, has predominantly fallen asleep spiritually. Will it be revival or bondage? The sovereignty of God is always connected to the will of man, and for the ultimate good of man. I am thankful we serve a God who, in some cases, invites us to participate in His work of selecting world leaders, join the team and participate.
From Gods eternal perspective, the election of our next president looks very different than most of the world sees it. The news channels on both sides of the political divide are full of doom and gloom if the promoted candidate loses this election, that is overstated. Has any revival been orchestrated by a president? Are we now looking to the government for spiritual restoration? Is the arm of the Lord not strong enough to deliver? For the church, revival often comes at the darkest hour of mans oppression. If you are seeking revival, do you desire it at all costs? Would you trade in a great economy for a depressed one, if you believed it would spark revival? The sovereignty of God verses the will of man has been a debate for thousands of years. I believe the scripture tells us to pray, do what is right and good, and leave the results to God. May we cast our vote for a leader who best represents Biblical values of governmental functions and pray for spiritual revival as well. If both cannot exist, revival is of eternal value. However this election turns out, I am excited to be serving a winning God!
Prepare to serve, see you at the polls!
Just a reminder, this Sunday will not be family day, nor will we have a fellowship meal. But both will be happening next Sunday, November 10th, on Serve & Protect Sunday.
Pastor Marv
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1 Comment
Great commentary Pastor!