Pastor’s Perspective: Areopagus- The Search for Meaning

Dear Church Family,
The search for a meaningful life is daunting for many people. The reality of waking up with expectancy and hope at the dawn of another day is even more rare. Why is life so difficult and confusing? Where has our culture lost its way? How is this cultural confusion effecting the church today? We will be addressing some of these concerns on Sunday in our visit to 3 cities mentioned in chapter 17 of Acts. My prayer and desire for each of us is to live in the sweet spot of contentment and blessing that Jesus speaks about in the sermon on the mount in Matthew 5:3-16. In Acts 17, we see in the Epicurean & Stoic philosophers, advocating for satisfaction in pleasure seeking or workaholic tendencies. Does this ring a bell today? Jesus says,  “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”
May God stir our hunger and thirst for knowing Christ Jesus, our righteousness. May we enter this Fall season with renewed hope, vigor, and joy as we enjoy the fruit of the deep taproot, mining up the treasures found in Christ! May we walk in expectation of the Holy Spirit leading us, with a yielded heart, full of faith, willing to walk on water. Let the new season of Fall, remind us of the newness of life we witnessed at the amazing baptism last week!
Here are a few things to mark on your calendar as we enter this beautiful Fall season:
-Men’s Breakfast tomorrow morning, Sept 28th, 7:30
-Outdoor Service & picnic lunch, Sunday morning, Oct 6th (weather permitting)
-Sunday October 27th:
*10:00 AM worship service - Ordination for Dawson Fisher as Assistant Pastor at CCF
*4:00-7:00 PM – Harvest Party at the Moyer Farm
-Sunday AM, November 10th – Serve & Protect Sunday: A day to honor those who have served as first responders or military
See you on Sunday!
Pastor Marv

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