Pastor’s Perspective: The Next Generation
Dear Calvary family,
In many ways our culture fumbles in the passing of the baton. Or, perhaps worse, we never even attempt to assist the next generation to carry on in our sphere of influence. In our home, Sherri & I have invested significant effort in preparing our children for the future. Examples where this is essential are, guiding in a career search, caring for a home, managing resources, and faithful spiritual discipleship. Clearly defining male and female roles is very important in development. Training takes time and effort, something a young family or church doesn’t have much of. However, looking back over our child raising years, the time we invested in preparing the youngsters for leadership and responsibility is time well spent.
Here at CCF, we too want to be diligent in raising up leaders and encouraging the use of talents and spiritual gifts. For a family to be healthy, we need involvement and contribution from everyone. I always enjoy seeing so many of you step up in willingness to serve. Faithfulness is a key to serving in any ministry and opens the door for greater opportunity to serve. This is also true in just about every area of life. It really doesn’t matter how gifted someone is, if they are not available, what good is talent of giftedness? In the Apostle Paul’s first letter Timothy in chapter 1:12, he tells Timothy that God put him in service because he saw him to be faithful. Has God put something in your hand to do? No matter your station or season of life, be faithful in the primary, flexible in the secondary, and ask for wisdom to know the difference!
This Sunday will be special, our leadership team will be ordaining another generation in pastoral leadership. May we unite in our support and prayer for Dawson Fisher as he receives the mantle of assistant pastor. Pray also for Ashley and the children as our enemy, the devil, would desire to undermine this important work. It is our desire as a team to, not only raise up leaders to carry on the work here at CCF, but also to plant ministries in other locations. The harvest is plentiful, now is the time to invest time and effort into our future.
I would like to see November 2024 be a month of thanksgiving! God has done wonderful things among us, setting us free, preparing us for greater service for Him. Are you ready to give testimony of God’s goodness in your life? I look forward to experiencing an atmosphere of thanksgiving, worship, and praise as we celebrate the ministry of God among us. We will start November with sharing communion together on Nov 3rd, we have no greater reason to celebrate than the work of the cross! You will also be hearing testimonies of thanksgiving throughout the month, both Wed evenings and Sundays. (I am saying that in faith:)
Remember Serve & Protect Sunday is just around the corner on November 10th! Personal invitations are always best, and we have fliers available to give to military, law enforcement, fire, and rescue workers. You will be hearing directly from a representation from each of these groups. We will have a prayer of thanksgiving and protection over all who serve, share a meal afterwards, and have a fire truck, police car and ambulance show & tell for the children.
Passing the baton in all areas, and enjoying the journey along the way,
Pastor Marv
In many ways our culture fumbles in the passing of the baton. Or, perhaps worse, we never even attempt to assist the next generation to carry on in our sphere of influence. In our home, Sherri & I have invested significant effort in preparing our children for the future. Examples where this is essential are, guiding in a career search, caring for a home, managing resources, and faithful spiritual discipleship. Clearly defining male and female roles is very important in development. Training takes time and effort, something a young family or church doesn’t have much of. However, looking back over our child raising years, the time we invested in preparing the youngsters for leadership and responsibility is time well spent.
Here at CCF, we too want to be diligent in raising up leaders and encouraging the use of talents and spiritual gifts. For a family to be healthy, we need involvement and contribution from everyone. I always enjoy seeing so many of you step up in willingness to serve. Faithfulness is a key to serving in any ministry and opens the door for greater opportunity to serve. This is also true in just about every area of life. It really doesn’t matter how gifted someone is, if they are not available, what good is talent of giftedness? In the Apostle Paul’s first letter Timothy in chapter 1:12, he tells Timothy that God put him in service because he saw him to be faithful. Has God put something in your hand to do? No matter your station or season of life, be faithful in the primary, flexible in the secondary, and ask for wisdom to know the difference!
This Sunday will be special, our leadership team will be ordaining another generation in pastoral leadership. May we unite in our support and prayer for Dawson Fisher as he receives the mantle of assistant pastor. Pray also for Ashley and the children as our enemy, the devil, would desire to undermine this important work. It is our desire as a team to, not only raise up leaders to carry on the work here at CCF, but also to plant ministries in other locations. The harvest is plentiful, now is the time to invest time and effort into our future.
I would like to see November 2024 be a month of thanksgiving! God has done wonderful things among us, setting us free, preparing us for greater service for Him. Are you ready to give testimony of God’s goodness in your life? I look forward to experiencing an atmosphere of thanksgiving, worship, and praise as we celebrate the ministry of God among us. We will start November with sharing communion together on Nov 3rd, we have no greater reason to celebrate than the work of the cross! You will also be hearing testimonies of thanksgiving throughout the month, both Wed evenings and Sundays. (I am saying that in faith:)
Remember Serve & Protect Sunday is just around the corner on November 10th! Personal invitations are always best, and we have fliers available to give to military, law enforcement, fire, and rescue workers. You will be hearing directly from a representation from each of these groups. We will have a prayer of thanksgiving and protection over all who serve, share a meal afterwards, and have a fire truck, police car and ambulance show & tell for the children.
Passing the baton in all areas, and enjoying the journey along the way,
Pastor Marv
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