Pastor’s Perspective: The Power of the Resurrection
March 30th, 2024
Pastor’s Perspective: “The Power of the Resurrection” Good Morning Calvary Family, Yesterday was Good Friday, but Sunday is coming! Good Friday is certainly a day of somber reflection on the death of ...  Read More
by CC Farmville Communications
Pastor’s Perspective: Blessed is the King
March 23rd, 2024
Dear Church Family, This Sunday we will celebrate Palm Sunday, the day Jesus rides down the slopes of the Mount of Olives, and enters Jerusalem on a colt, saying, “Blessed is the King who comes in the...  Read More
by CC Farmville Communications
Pastor's Perspective: Death- Are You Ready?
March 15th, 2024
Dear Calvary Family,Facing death is daunting. Most people go through life trying not to think about it, and fewer speak of death, even with their own family. Except for 2 people (Enoch & Elijah), up t...  Read More
by CC Farmville Communications
Pastor’s Perspective: Marriage of the Lamb
March 8th, 2024
Dear Calvary Family, What a journey we have traveled through the great tribulation described in Revelation chapters 6-18. In our scripture this Sunday, chapter 19, we will study the second coming of C...  Read More
by CC Farmville Communications
Pastor's Perspective: Fallen, Fallen is Babylon
March 1st, 2024
Dear Church Family, I like the timing of the ending of our study of the great tribulation with the ending of our Winter season. As Winter is wrapping up, and new life is just around the corner, so thi...  Read More
by CC Farmville Communications
Pastors Perspective: "Called, Chosen and Faithful"
February 23rd, 2024
Hello Calvary Family, In our study this Sunday, Babylon the Great is represented as the spiritual city of immorality. Great, in this sense is exceedingly wicked. This city is a stark comparison to the...  Read More
by Marv Fisher