Pastor’s Perspective: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Dear Calvary Family,

We are now successfully walking by faith in the land of promise. The Jordan has miraculously divided, Jericho has been defeated, and the lessons learned at Ai concerning complete obedience to God are now etched in the minds of Israel, we are on a roll. But, walking by faith is a continuous journey, one that requires us to seek the Lord specifically, at each intersection of our lives. Walking by faith really is a walk, rather than a run, a journey of faith and trust, are you tuned in?

In Sunday’s lesson in Joshua 8:30-9:27 we will see the importance of constant awareness of our surroundings. The enemy of our soul desires to stop progress by causing us to compromise. A wolf in sheep’s clothing has limped into the sheepfold of Israel. Some disguises are only discernible by the revelation of God, a costly compromise occurred. Are you tuned in to the ministry of the Holy Spirit today? Or are you about to make a blind covenant with the world?

Exciting CCF upcoming events you are invited to participate in:

- This Sunday we will continue our mission spotlight, Katie Breen from Rock Ministries will share! An inner-city mission Trip is being planned in May.
- March 2nd you will hear from the Giri’s concerning the gospel taking Nepal by storm. We will share a fellowship meal together after the service!
- March 9th is Believers Baptism Sunday. Are you ready to publicly declare your spiritual immersion into Christ Jesus? Join several others who have already committed!
- March 21-22: “The Power of Love”: Men’s Retreat for all men 13 and up! Sign up on our app for this very special overnight gathering at Smith Mountain Lake. If you need financial assistance or help signing up, contact Daniel Algarin, or the church office.

See you on Sunday, in person if possible?

Pastor Marv

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