Pastor's Perspective: Don't Cross the Line

Dear Calvary Family,
In Joshua 7-8 this Sunday, we will study important lessons in spiritual defeat and victory. These old testament stories contain some graphic illustrations, cementing important principles of holiness for the church today. The success or failure of a mission can sometimes be traced back to the personal holiness of one person. Both the fruit of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit will have a significant impact on the people around us, even the hidden sins of one person can mirk the mission of the entire church! At times God takes drastic actions to clean the house.

After the wonderful mission of building the traveling tabernacle of God in the wilderness, and the establishment of the Levitical priesthood through Aaron, in the inaugural ceremony God struck down Aarons 2 sons, Nadab and Abihu, burning them up with fire for sacrilegious worship. In this week's lesson, after a tremendous inaugural victory at Jericho, because Achan hid his sin, and crossed the clear line of God in disobedience, the entire nation is humiliated at Ai, and 36 warriors killed. And in Acts chapter 5, after the start of the early church revival, and the generous sharing of each other's possessions began, Ananias and Sapphira were killed by God for lying. All three of these examples are wakeup calls for the successful church.

We love revival and spiritual victories of faith, but success has its challenges. Victories such as those experienced at Jericho can create a self-reliant or an assuming attitude. This particular study in Joshua 7-8 speaks to us as a church today. Just because God is blessing us richly with wonderful fellowship and growth, does not assure us that sin is not lurking in our midst. May God speak to us individually and corporately, ensuring holiness and continued surrender to Jesus. May the grace of God continue unhindered as we walk in humility, continually seeking His face.

Remaining in the love of Christ,
Pastor Marv

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