Pastor’s Perspective: The Power of the Resurrection
Pastor’s Perspective: “The Power of the Resurrection”
Good Morning Calvary Family,
Yesterday was Good Friday, but Sunday is coming! Good Friday is certainly a day of somber reflection on the death of our Lord, but because we know the rest of the story, eager anticipation and hope fill our hearts. In Philippians 3, Paul counts all things as loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus. In verses 10-11 he speaks of this desire to know Christ and the power of His resurrection, the fellowship of His sufferings, and being conformed to His death, in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. How can we experience the power of his resurrection, what does this mean? Well, this Sunday, on Resurrection Day, we plan to discuss this in our time in the Word. May each of us receive the power from God to walk in this newness of life.
We have much to look forward to on this beautiful Easter weekend. May we give full attention, worship, and praise to our Risen Lord, seeking to receive from the Holy Spirit, the instruction and power He desires to give. We are celebrating a significant historical event, but when the gospel is applied to our lives, it has the power to change us forever!
Fit for Duty: Following Resurrection weekend, on Saturday, April 6th, 8:00, we hope to see all men in the Overflowing Cup for our quarterly men’s breakfast. Sign up online, or in the foyer. The coffee will be ready to serve at 7:30, come rise and shine with us!
Children’s Ministry: As many of you have noticed, the number of children at CCF are continuing to grow! New opportunities are opening for you to serve in this amazing, fruitful ministry. Prayerfully consider serving once a month in either our Wed evening or Sunday morning gatherings. What a blessing these children are to all of us, and by helping to teach or assist a teacher, you are also giving support to the parents of these families.
Blessings to all, look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow!
Pastor Marv
Good Morning Calvary Family,
Yesterday was Good Friday, but Sunday is coming! Good Friday is certainly a day of somber reflection on the death of our Lord, but because we know the rest of the story, eager anticipation and hope fill our hearts. In Philippians 3, Paul counts all things as loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus. In verses 10-11 he speaks of this desire to know Christ and the power of His resurrection, the fellowship of His sufferings, and being conformed to His death, in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. How can we experience the power of his resurrection, what does this mean? Well, this Sunday, on Resurrection Day, we plan to discuss this in our time in the Word. May each of us receive the power from God to walk in this newness of life.
We have much to look forward to on this beautiful Easter weekend. May we give full attention, worship, and praise to our Risen Lord, seeking to receive from the Holy Spirit, the instruction and power He desires to give. We are celebrating a significant historical event, but when the gospel is applied to our lives, it has the power to change us forever!
Fit for Duty: Following Resurrection weekend, on Saturday, April 6th, 8:00, we hope to see all men in the Overflowing Cup for our quarterly men’s breakfast. Sign up online, or in the foyer. The coffee will be ready to serve at 7:30, come rise and shine with us!
Children’s Ministry: As many of you have noticed, the number of children at CCF are continuing to grow! New opportunities are opening for you to serve in this amazing, fruitful ministry. Prayerfully consider serving once a month in either our Wed evening or Sunday morning gatherings. What a blessing these children are to all of us, and by helping to teach or assist a teacher, you are also giving support to the parents of these families.
Blessings to all, look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow!
Pastor Marv
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