The Edge

Is not my Word like fire, declares the LORD, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? 

Jeremiah 23:29 

Senior in High School to 30 years old (there could be exceptions)
Married or single

This ministry aims to establish a community centered on relationships with one another through and centered Jesus. This involves nurturing spiritual growth, deepening knowledge of Scripture and the Church within each individual. The community emphasizes the relevance of His Word as a vital asset in their lives and highlights the significance of mutual accountability to Jesus and to one another. The goal is to enhance the bond with Jesus and each other, contributing to a more closely knit and connected CCF community. The focus is on fostering genuine relationships where people truly know Jesus and one another, leading to a positive impact on the local Church body and the wider community as they carry the Church's message into the world daily. The community aspires to live for Jesus, aligning all thoughts and actions with His purpose.


Wednesday 6:30pm-8:00pm

Exploring His Word through a book-by-book study, accompanied by leader-led corporate prayer sessions and sharing.

We aim to ensure that each week can stand alone while also aligning with the overall course of study outlined. Our goal is for each week to be independent, allowing individuals to attend even if they cannot make it every week due to their schedules.


Apart from Wednesday evenings, we schedule one community event per month for 8 months each year.